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Posts posted by RobinFlanders

  1. What type of mold is it? If it's a two part, and the cracks are somewhere that won't affect the mold locking together you can moisten the plaster with water, and make a small batch of plaster and using a small tool like a stick, just kinda dot the plaster in to fill in the cracks, and then swipe the surface to make it even. It's not a perfect method, but I've used it to fix little issues before.


  2. Hey all, I'm fairly new to ceramics (my 3rd semester) and have just gotten into making my own clay and slip. I've made two batches and now there's an EPK shortage and my recipes have EPK. I haven't been able to easily find an EPK free cone 6 white recipe for casting slip and was hoping that someone out there might have one, or at least some knowledge of substituting EPK in recipes. 

    Just from reading around apparently tile 6 is similar as they're both Kaolin? Is anyone experimenting with this currently? 

    Looking forward to talking to you all!

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