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Posts posted by Marie1234

  1. Hi everyone,

    I want to glaze some bisque plates with Amaco HF9 clear glaze. I tried brushing it but it was quite thick and didn’t flow easily. It also smudged the underglaze. 

    I have read that dipping is a much better technique to achieve a uniform/clean finish and not ruin the underglaze. Do I need to add water/anything else to the glaze to use it for dipping please? If so, how much?


  2. Hi,

    I have recently bought Amaco velvet underglazes. I was planning on using them on bisque stoneware plates (bought from a wholesaler). Because I want the plates to be dinnerware safe, I thought of buying Amaco’s Zinc Free glaze (HF9).

    Can I apply the underglazes to the bisque stoneware, let them dry, apply the glaze and then fire? (So only 1 fire overall)

    I emailed Amaco about this but they were not helpful, they only said the approach above would smear the colors. Is this true?


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