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Posts posted by JiyaiFora

  1. Hi. First time posting. Hope someone can give me some insight into a question I've been struggling with. 

    My Ceramics class creates a large scale project using black clay, with no glazes.  We first bisque the pieces at Cone 06, sand them, and then fire them again at Cone 5 (Cone 6 is stated on the box and produces a nicer black colour, but also lots of bloating).

    The last time I fired at Cone 5, I used a slow bisque setting. I came back to find an error code on the kiln which basically stated that I'd overheated the control panel. Luckily everything still came out fine, but I want to avoid this happening again because I'm afraid of damaging the electronics. 

    I'm wondering if the length of the bisque fire caused this, and if a slow glaze fire setting would be preferable. Does it matter, considering these pieces have already been bisque fired once? Any other tips on how to avoid the panel overheating? 


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