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Forest River Pottery

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Posts posted by Forest River Pottery

  1. Thank you Neil and Bill.  Its a brand new kiln and working out the qwerks. I took all advise. 
    3 firings in and works like a charm. I did get hung up on the details. Secondly I have no idea how to use the cone offset feature or the thermocouple off set. The manual does not help at all. Either of them.  They just don't go into it. I also find the manual generic in its info so even programming the genesis 2.0 was a bit different. All in all, figuring it out and loving it! Again thank you.

  2. I just Purchased a GX2327D  Cone Art Kiln. I just completed all safety firings in accordance with manufacturers ops manual. Followed all Bartlet instructions for all firings. I fired to Cone 6 to set elements in Accordance with ops manual. 2232 degrees F.  No error codes. Diagnostics indicated TC were detween 50 and 60. %.  Temperature in all 3 sections indicated all the same at the same time. Shut off at programmed schedule. Therefore non eventful. Perfect. Heres where it gets confusing. I had placed on all shelves cones 5,6,7 As per manual. All shelves indicated in essence a perfect firing. In my kiln it so happens  2232 was a cone 6.5 almost a full 7 on one middle shelf. Bottom shelf indicated it didn't even reach temperature. At all! All elements were glowing during first test and all peeps were glowing during the final test. 
    I trusted the digidal meter readings and Have move forward with a production firing. One cone on that shelf did fall over. So therefore I evaluated the Cones as such; cone 5 had a malfunction. Maybe water not sure. Cone 6 fell over and cone 7 Which made my decision to move forward with a production firing, was slightly bent. So here I am looking at the diagnostics during this firing all temperatures and all three sections are sitting exact but my thermal couple TC three is only firing at 26% TC two at the moment is firing at 100% and TC one is firing at 57%. My question is; Is this normal? The thermal couples are reading the temperatures and they indicate all the same pretty much, but the percentages below the temp show a completely different story. Is  there something wrong with the actual lower section of my kiln. It seems the other two sections are compensating for power hence the TC two firing at 100%. I will have to change out that TC 2 way early in its life and change out that TC3 or am I reading the diagnostics chart incorrectly? Or is there another problem. Elements?  Please help. It’s a long weekend up here in Canada and I don’t have anyone to call.

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