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Finn Ewins

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  1. It’s a brand new wheel so I can’t imagine that it changes speed. I don’t know anyone else who does pottery and can already center so I can’t figure out whether it’s me or the wheel.
  2. Hi all, I have tried all your advice and I’m afraid to no avail. I have however ruled out the air bubble problem as i cut through the clay after trying to center it and there are no air bubbles whatsoever throughout the entire ball of clay. I used a spirit level on my wheel head and it is between the ‘level lines’ but slightly, very ever so slightly leaning to the left. Could this really be a problem? Any other suggestions? Thanks
  3. Hi, thanks for your reply. Could you please let me know more precisely how one might make sure not to trap air when coning down? It is quite easy to trap air if coned down incorrectly? Thanks
  4. Thankyou, I will use your advice and do some trial and error and see where I am going wrong. Much Appreciated. Finn
  5. Hi, thanks for such a quick reply. Thankyou for your advice, I will try and adjust my seat height and see if that makes a difference. As for the wedging, I am now wedging on the floor so that could be a problem. However even when I slice through the clay after wedging, I can see no bubbles. Thanks again, I will try out all your advice. Finn
  6. Need a bit of help please. I have been doing pottery for a bit over a year now and picked up centering fairly quickly and never really had any problems. I’ve been using the pottery wheel at my college. I recently bought my own pottery wheel for home (Brent Model C) and now all of a sudden I can’t seem to center my clay. I use the same technique but for some reason on my new wheel the base of my clay is always off-center / feels like there is an air bubble trapped. I make sure I wedge my clay enough and the right technique and i also make sure that I don’t trap any air when throwing the ball of clay onto the wheel head. Anyone got any ideas what might be happening? Thanks, Finn
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