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Posts posted by hgclayworks

  1. Thanks for the comments everyone. After doing more research and making some calls, I did find sources for talc. I'm in Central Florida and the 2 local distributors are not carrying talc, but I found other sources if I'm willing to pay shipping, (which is considerably higher than the cost of the talc). It looks like Texas talc will be in short supply or unavailable in the foreseeable future, but there are other sources such as Montana talc and Canadian talc which should work for the kiln setter recipe. (Montana talc does not fire as white according to my research, but that would not be an issue in this recipe.)

    Kelly, thanks for the suggestions to research. I took a look at Digitalfire and found a few posts regarding kiln shelves, one recipe made with 80% Zircopax, one using Pyrax and Kaolin, and a third using calcined alumina.  https://digitalfire.com/picture/xepfutezaf  Here's the link in case anyone is interested in looking further into that. - I don't have access to Michael Cardew's book, unfortunately.

    I'll let you all know if I find any other information.

  2. I work at a community pottery studio and we’ve had success in the past using Glynnis Lessing’s recipe ( in the July/Aug 2017 issue of Pottery Making Illustrated) for kiln setters, using mullite, ball clay, and talc. Does anyone know of a substitute for the talc in this recipe or have an alternative recipe? We want something that can be fired repeatedly to Cone 10.  

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