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Posts posted by cusher

  1. On 5/28/2022 at 8:04 PM, Bill Kielb said:

    The switch is likely good - still, not a very expensive renewal though and a good idea in case it is not very calibrated after years of use.. Keep the old one as a spare if you do replace. You are confident you measured infinity on element #2 and ALL your elements measured above 10% greater resistance. You definitely need elements.

    Bill would you ever be willing to hop on a short call to discuss this further, I have found your advice very helpful.

  2. So an update on this. There was one element that was broken I replaced it, I chipped out and did not buy all new elements for the rest of the levels, the Kim still would not reach cone six my concern is that because it’s so old,  Even if I replace the elements it will still not reach cone six..?

    even if I replace the elements it will still not reach con six.

    Paragon is no help their customer service is terrible it’s basically one person servicing the entire world. I had to get Cole so many times to get any information.

    The max temp on the Kim says 2300 so therefore it should reach con six it has basically stalled out at 1600° every firing. It was wired professionally by an electrician so I don’t know what’s going on should I just make the gamble and spend the money on replacing all the elements? It’s quite expensive


  3. OK Bill here’s aUpdate.


    all elements except for the second one from the top are testing perfectly. The second one from the top is not reading at all any movement so I’m guessing it’s burned out. And needs replacement, however why would none of the other elements from switch one activate anyways? Do I need to replace the switch also


    yes I understand that the timer switch only turns on when the top switch is on also

  4. So I’ve had several successful bisque fires to calm 06

    and have been happy with the performance of the Kim. Trying my first glaze fires nothing seem to work correctly and I’m not reaching temperature. I’m starting to suspect that between the two element areas of the kiln one is maybe just not working and so I’m only getting half temperature at max. The switch labeled number one should be making some noise and heating up, and it has not after three hours, the switch number two does make a clicking sound and does heat up as soon as I turn it on


    yes I understand it’s a reversed timer and not the other way around for number two.

  5. Thank you all for the information I guess my question is is is it always the elements that need replacing? This is an older kiln but has been barely used

    We’ll specify more details when I get homeWe’ll specify more details when I get home


    ok here are the details


    it is an SNF 82max temp 2300

    i suspect that the top switch is not working, and that’s why I’m only getting half power.

    I do not hear the top switch clicking at all , it also doesn’t heat after several hours, following all correct protocol



  6. Hi Seeking help before I tear everything apart. Older SnF Set and Fire 

    Bisquing is going fine, to approx cone 05/06/


    Unable to get it to reach or bend a cone 6 at max temp on a 7/9 hr firing.


    This is the specs for this model

    I have the smallest one with the kiln sitter. Should I just fire longer or replace elements?

    S and SnF (Set-n-Fire) Series Ceramic Kilns

    Kiln style: Top-loading

    Chamber size: 2.95 - 7.92 cubic feet

    Firing range: Cone 8-10 (check individual product pages for

    Voltage: 208V or 240V

    Controller: manual kiln-sitter

    Suggested use: Paragon’s S-series and SnF-series can be purchased in a wide variety of sizes, so it’s easy to find a kiln that fits your studio or classroom needs. These kilns are built with the standard Paragon ceramic-capable firing chamber, with efficient

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