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Israel Shmueli

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Posts posted by Israel Shmueli

  1. 7 hours ago, glazenerd said:

    There was a man in the USA who retrofitted electric kilns with propane burners and oxygen sensors. ( Fallon) I believe was his name; and if I recall his kiln conversions were called Fallonators?


    Thanks, the Fallonator is fascinating. 

    Searching pointed me to  http://puttgarden.com/crystal/tech/Vendors/fallon/fallon.html

    It seems to allow same process Bankir described.

  2. There was an  Israeli ceramist,  Israel Bankir (unfortunately died in 2014 ) who had expertise in traditional Chinese glazes like cooper reds and celadons.  He fired all his reduction pots inside an electric kiln. This was massive frontloading kiln he built by himself.  The kiln had relatively thick Kanthal elements that Israel used to replace from time to time by himself. 

    He told me that he managed to get a reduction atmosphere by inserting controlled small amounts of propane gas into the hot kiln.  He had narrow clay or porcelain pipe/nozzle that he made,   at the end of a flexible pipe attached to small camping gas tank.  While describing this process it definitely sounds dangerous to me but Israel did not mention any safety procedures at the time...   

    Anyway, Israel emphasized the fact that heating elements should better be thick and expected to have a shorter life than in normal oxidation usage. I believe he fired normal oxidation fire after few reduction fires to reoxidize the elements.


    See a few examples on the memorial page on Facebook.


    From Israel Bankir's retrospective exhibition:



    In the studio of Israel Bankir in Haifa, Israel


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