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Joanie m

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Posts posted by Joanie m

  1. Johnny K,  

    Nice fountain,  I think the clear will just make the raw clay look wet not stay white.  I once made a piggy bank that was going to be black and white and I wanted to get it to the person I made it for so I decided to spray it with clear instead of firing it again.  It turned out to be a pink piggy.  I will just do some tests and see before I commit to a finish on the sculpture.  The clear probably works great on colors, vs raw clay.  Thanks for the info!

  2. The sculpture is unglazed.  I am going to do a trial of Thompsons on a scrap.  I need to see if the clay darkens and stays the wet look or if it will dry white.  I didn't want to glaze it for fear that I would loose some of the detail with the glaze thickness.  I will let you know the results as I try different products. Russ, where do you find Okon.  Not familiar with that brand?



  3. Hey All,  I apologize in advance if this topic is in the forum somewhere, but I had no luck in my search.  I have newly started doing some garden sculptures with low fire clay and prefer not to glaze them as I like the white of the clay.  I need to seal them to put in my garden and am looking for your preferred sealers.  Thompson's was suggested on a website, but the can says it can yellow over time.  My sculptures are smaller at this point, 12 inches or less.  Thanks in advance!!!


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