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Booth Photos For Application

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So I am applying for an arts and crafts festival that is a juried show as well and accepting 150 applicants. I decided to apply to get my name out there and challenge myself. It's an semi-intense application and needs 5 photographs. The photo specs are as follows

All work to be exhibited must be represented in the images submitted, from the high end to the low end. A total of five (5) images must be included with aplication: four (4) of individual pieces which accurately represent the body of work to be exhibited, and one (1) of the booth display containing artwork.


So being an art major and having done juried shows before I am set with the photographing my artwork. But the booth display bothers me. I am new to the fair and show world. I have only done a few which have been indoors with an 8 foot table.

So I didn't plan on purchasing a 10x10 booth tent until the spring. Speaking of weather, its about 5 degrees here so making a mock display outside could happen if needed but I am looking for other options.

I have looked into reviews of the show, while it gets alot of traffic and is in its 41st year, it isn't perfect and since it involves craft there are people selling their crafts there as well (not all high end artists). I am assuming that they are looking for unique displays and prepardness.

My current thought is setting up a couple tables in my house to represent a corner of my booth (minus the tent and what not).

Any thoughts on what to do with this booth photo would be appreciated!


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Read all of the application guidelines carefully. Some shows will stipulate things like "artists must provide a white canopy in good condition." If you find any language like this, then your booth shoot should contain a clean white tent. If you don't find any language like this, then go ahead and do the indoor corner shot like you describe. Build a display that is 10ft x 10ft, so the scale looks correct. Cover the walls, making sure the photo doesn't contain any "house" clues like outlets and light switches. You should still consider this a temporary booth shot. If you get into the show, make sure to take a "real" booth shot from the show for future use. Good luck!



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