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Advice for getting kiln running again


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I have a cress E-18 kiln that is around 6 years old. It has probably been fired 30-40 times. There are some glaze drips on the bottom of the kiln and there is some cracking happening around the kiln floor. I want to get this kiln in better condition before I start using it again and I need advice on what to do. 

Should I fill in the cracks somehow? Should I get the glaze off the floor? Any help would be appreciated. 

Thank you. 

Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 11.28.16 AM.png

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Paragon has a repair cement that you can use on the cracks.  I am lazy so I use a simpler solution,   I usually have a broken shelves laying around.   I use to put it directly on the bottom,  I have my kilns set up for the Skutt Enviorvent now  and have that hole in the middle.   I  make sure it isn't covered,  If the break is in the right place I can leave it on the bottom.  If not I raise it with half inch stilts.  I try to make it as sturdy and steady as I can,  I am really building a new bottom.   You can purchase a new bottom but that can get quite pricey.   Vacuuming your elements and making sure there is no glaze on them is a good place to start.  If you have a manual fire check your weight and clearance on your kiln setter.   Denice

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Yes, really vacuum for a six year old kiln it is pretty messy. I hope none of the stuff spitting or dropping onto the ledges housing the elements has had contact with the elements. After you vacuum well I'd turn on higb ,leave a little while, open it up to see if all the elements get red.

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