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My Paragon SnF-28-3 oven does not burn at the bottom


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To what degree are they under fired- a lot or a little? Did you use cones in the kiln to see how hot it actually got down there?

If it's only off by a ilttle bit, it could be a case of you're packing the kiln too tight at the bottom. You should pack the bottom loosely, pack the middle tight, and the top somewhere in-between. If the bottom is cold bya lot, the it could be that the timer switch for the bottom section is not working properly. Wiring diagram HERE.

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1 hour ago, anahybritto said:

Hello!Good morning! My kiln only has two switches, one infinite control and the other is the timer. In the diagram you uploaded, there are three switches. Is there another diagram for this model?

Are you sure it's an SNF-28-3? That model is a big 10 cubic foot kiln, which should have three switches, not just one infinite switch. Is yours a small test kiln?  Please post a picture of it, and a picture of the serial plate. 

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Paragon's web site doesn't have the wiring diagram for a 3 phase version of your kiln, however the distribution of power from the switches to the elements should be the same for both single and 3 phase, and they usually use the same elements, too. Assuming that's true, since you know all your elements are working (glowing), then you need to check the element resistance and compare it to what's shown on the wiring diagram. If they're more than 10% off from what they're supposed to be, then they're worn and should be replaced. Otherwise you need to watch how the kiln is loaded as I described above.

What firing schedule did you use?

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