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Qotw: Participants Question Pool For Future Qotw's

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  • 5 months later...

@GEP wrote, in a post within this thread, "Basing your prices on the amount of time spent on your decorating techniques is not a valid method. This doesn’t have any correlation with market value and sellability." I found this to be a very wise comment and something that aligns with my findings.

So bouncing off this, my suggestion for a QoTW would be: What adds monetary value to the price of a pot for those of us who sell our work?

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  • 3 weeks later...

We’re currently on what the last big show we’ve been to was. This makes me wonder a related question, and the more I think about it, the more I want to hear what people have to say:

What ceramic event or destination do you consider a must see? I’m thinking of pilgrimages or a bucket list items. I have a small list, of places I think would be a blast, inspirational, and educational.

The Old Church Pottery sale is one. NCECA (4th time) is a must. Archie Bray maybe. A general and nebulous trip through North Carolina looking at potters, ceramic history, and raw clay. Starworks operation. 

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Pres, not sure if this topic has been discussed previously, but wondering, are folks more critical of their own work than they are of others? I am not happy with minor imperfections in my work that I probably wouldn't notice in the work of others. 


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