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Posts posted by Ruyleja

  1. So I took the entire wheel apart…fairly straight forward design.  Heated the wheel head and ensured the shaft was fully seated with your suggestion.  I am still not certain how the wheel head is attached to shaft which is a 1 inch carbon steel bar stock with a key way machine for the motor belt pulley attachment.  Reassembled and the wheel still is slight wobble which appears to be originating from the belt pulley to be honest so maybe it is the design of this wheel?  It is a shame I can’t more information as I really like the over all design and setup!

  2. I am looking for information on wheel I recently got…specifically how the wheel head and shaft are.  It appears to be a press fit but no luck in removing.  Based on a slight wobble I have in true wheel head when operating think the actual head is not fully set onto the shaft.  It is made by Lockerbie and appears to be similar design as their kick wheel but it is electric … see pics.  Anyway very limited info out there so wondering if any luck for members on this forum.  Thanks in advance !


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