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Posts posted by hlipper

  1. Follow up question that @neilestrick can likely answer. Purchased the new control panel and it seems to have solved the issue (kiln turns on!). When I try to punch in the slow bisque program for ^04, it says that TC3 is FAIL. I only have 2 thermos in the kiln (it's an e23s). Is that normal? Is there a way that I should be programming the kiln so that error message doesn't come up?

    I was using a custom program for bisque prior but can't find it online anywhere, so was going to resort to the preset programs....


  2. Thanks for the info!

    I've double checked voltage readings:

    • Wall - 240V
    • Transformer primary side - 240V
    • Transformer secondaries - ~15V (14.85V)

    I'v also verified continuity of the fuse and that the on/off switch works. It seems like theres a 3V discrepancy between what I'm reading (15V) and what you noted (12V) at the transformer. I was getting the same ~15V readings with the old transformer as well.

    I took another look at the PCB and components for anything that looked like shorts. Some of the pins behind the controller display and buzzer look a bit browned, so maybe that's the culprit..

  3. Howdy - hoping someone might have some insight based on photos below. Fired my kiln a couple weeks ago, loaded it for a bisque on Saturday, then realized it's not turning on. No circuit was tripped and we are getting power from the outlet (used a multimeter to confirm). I ordered the appropriate transformer, just replaced it, and still no luck and nothing measuring from the multimeter. I keep the kiln up to date with fresh thermos, elements, relays, etc. Maybe it's the control board. Any thoughts???


    Was hoping to have all these pieces ready for a market on Sunday, but alas...Thanks so much in advance!

    IMG_4119 Small.jpeg

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  4. Hi folks - I have an L&L Easy Fire and fired a bisque at ^04 Saturday night. I had an E-2 error code Sunday morning. I noticed the kiln was staying hot at around 1850F so I finished up the firing and it did complete. Came to find my kiln this morning at about 1815F. It had barely cooled. I peeked in and saw only one set of elements on. I did replace my elements last month and my thermocouples a few weeks ago. I'm thinking it's the relays this time. I unplugged the kiln.

    Waiting for it to cool completely before I check my thermocouples again - I read that it could be the wires burnt out if screwed it too tightly. 

    Any other thoughts?? Also, I assume my bisqued work is okay but let me know otherwise...

    Thanks in advance!! So much gratitude to this community - you all have saved me & my work time and time again!!

  5. 11 minutes ago, neilestrick said:

    Could definitely be the thermocouples. Relays usually last more than 100 firings, but it's possible you have one that's sticking at higher temps.

    Great, thank you. Just ordered replacement parts. Somehow my kiln is back to running the program and is at almost 1800F...should I just let it keep firing or turn it off? Thanks!!!

  6. 11 minutes ago, neilestrick said:

    Might be relays, might be thermocouples. How many firings are on them? If you turn the kiln on full power, do all the elements glow?

    Thermocouples HERE, assuming you have the standard type K. Relays HERE.

    Thank you, Neil!! There are about 100 firings on the thermocouples and relays. My elements gave out a couple weeks ago and we replaced them. The kiln is too hot right now to look but I did a luster ^019 firing last week and everything looked good. No issues with the elements.

  7. Hi all - just checked on my bisque firing (^04) and discovered an Err d on my L&L easy fire.  Here are the specs:

    model number: e23S-240
    serial number: 012607-F-CKG
    voltage: 240
    phase: 1
    I suspect I need new thermocouples and relays as I just replaced the elements. Any other recommendations?
    Also, can my L&L friend on here send me links to exactly what products I need? I emailed L&L 10 days ago (and followed up) and never heard anything. Thank you!
  8. 4 hours ago, Roberta12 said:

    @hlipper I have the same kiln.  I have more than 900 firings on that  beast.  The absolute first thing I do to check is the paper test.  I fold small strips of paper and insert in between the coils on the elements on each level.  Then turn it on a fast glaze and see what burns and what doesn't.  If it's just one section, it could be a relay. If it's all sections, could be old elements.   But I also check the elements closely to see if a smidgen of glaze got in there and caused things to burn out.  But we also get the multimeter out and do that testing.  How many firings on your elements?  I am also a BIG believer in a kiln log.  I write down every single firing and every single repair.  If you want a copy of mine, dm me and I will send it. 


    Thanks, Roberta! I do luckily use a firing log. Mine has about 100 now since I've had it, with a couple firings by the previous owner. I will try out that paper trick. Thanks!

  9. e28S-240240/119.39.7

    26 minutes ago, neilestrick said:


    HERE. Unplug the kiln and test the element resistance. Check your manual to see what they should be.

    How hot does the kiln get before it errors?


    Great - did that and the measurements should be 9.7 for a e23T-240. My measurements were 11.3, 11.3, 10.85, and 10.85 (so I calculated a reduction of 11.6% and 11.2%. Assuming I should replace the elements?

    I didn't see the max temp but I know that it got to at least 1600 before I went to bed. I have noticed my firings taking longer than usual so I'd guess that was the elements as well...

  10. 54 minutes ago, neilestrick said:

    If the pieces look okay but underfired, then go ahead and re-fire them once you figure out what's wrong with the kiln. Do you know how to use a multi-meter to check your kiln? If not let us know and we can tell you a couple of other ways to check things out.

    I just learned that we do have a multi-meter! What should I specifically be measuring for? Thanks again.

  11. Thank you all!! The elements are likely pretty old. Unfortunately I haven't been using witness cones (I was previously but the firings have been consistent). I do have extra elements on hand that I could use to replace the others...

    I don't know how to use a multi-meter. Would appreciate other suggestions as you noted!

  12. Hi there - woke up today to some kind of misfiring with my L&L Easy Fire. Received the error message E-1 which according to L&L is "Kiln temperature increasing slower than 12°F per hour when ramping for 22.5 min."

    The kiln is currently at 700. I peaked in briefly and my pieces don't look fully fired to ^6. My question is: can I refire this kiln load or is all the work lost? I'm working on deadline and would be devastated to lose all of this work. THANK YOU for any insight!

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