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Posts posted by jyoungs

  1. I’m really not sure, I think that we should probably wait until the science is in. I really feel bad for the children though, they’re losing a lot of socializing which is very important for this part of their childhood. I’m afraid that this is going to have devastating impacts on the new were generation and their ability to socialize with people.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Pres said:

    My granddaughter had had a stomach virus about 3 weeks ago, stayed at home sick vomiting, with a fever. Her parents self quarantined her not allowing her out of the house for two weeks after. Easy once the school closed. Now she meets with her friends a few time a week. . . .they drive to an empty parking lot, sit in their cars and talk to each other in comfort. Go figure!



    GREAT idea Pres - I gotta do that with my boyfriend

    Now if only I could figure a way to get my hands on some clay - I'm sure worried about everything though. Some one couple of hours away that works in the same company got COVID 19. There are some real fears about hygiene as long as we make sure to take proper safety precautions and practice social distancing hopefully this'll be gone in jiffy.

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