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Status Replies posted by Pres

  1. Lower back has been nagging, trying more rest; cycling, construction and maintenance projects on hold, hence, more chatty on the Forum!

    ...yesterday, a few careful hours in the Studio went ok, heading out to try that again now.

    1. Pres


      Had 2 broken vertebrae when 19, wore a back brace 3yr, chest constrictor 2 yr. Back pain is not new, but found that push-ups, and other exercises alleviated the pain. When bad, wedging helped also, Hanging from an overhead bar and wiggling your hips help also. In the long run better muscles do the job, but the older we get. .. . 



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Just joining! Love all things of and from the earth! 

    1. Pres


      Welcome to the forum Carol!




    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Have IT Band Syndrome, painful to walk, and work in shop. Working on stretches and massage gun.

    1. Pres


      Hammer massager worked quite well, and not that I have one I use it on my shoulders and legs a bit after a hot shower. Loosens things up well. Just have to be careful not to over do.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. Have IT Band Syndrome, painful to walk, and work in shop. Working on stretches and massage gun.

    1. Pres


      Missed bowling 4 times last week, but I have seen much improvement, and am now walking upright with only some discomfort. Whoooow!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Have IT Band Syndrome, painful to walk, and work in shop. Working on stretches and massage gun.

    1. Pres


      not at all, and I have missed two days of bowling so far this week. Working in the shop is really trying, as getting up and down has t have the hands. Haven't felt this bad since I was 19 after the car accident

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Broke arm in 3 places 1/20, no pottery in foreseeable future

    1. Pres


      Bad break, Years ago my son had one where the rt wrist had to be fused. Glad you are going to be ok, yet out of clay for a while.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. Ordered a new LL kiln today from  Neil.   He helped me decide  on the model that would work for me in my elderly years.   Great service and price.   Now I have to sell my old kilns and wait.      Denice

    1. Pres


      Thanks for reminding me Neil, I forgot to state the offsets were for the cone firing to so there could be multiple offsets just for different cones.

      Thanks again for reminding me,



    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. Ordered a new LL kiln today from  Neil.   He helped me decide  on the model that would work for me in my elderly years.   Great service and price.   Now I have to sell my old kilns and wait.      Denice

    1. Pres


      Cone offsets are on the entire load. In the Genesis controller these are easiest to use, as they are consistent on all the shelves. I used the cone offset because all of my 06, or 6 cones were melted beyond their targets. With a little experimenting on a second and third firing I arrived at a negative 35 degrees cone offset. If I had had one shelf that fired differently than the entire kiln, then I would have put a thermocouple offset in on that thermocouple. This however simple it seems would cause the other thermocouples to try and compensate for the changes that the thermocouple I adjusted. Becomes complicated to balance out.


      Hope that makes sense to you,



    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  9. Ordered a new LL kiln today from  Neil.   He helped me decide  on the model that would work for me in my elderly years.   Great service and price.   Now I have to sell my old kilns and wait.      Denice

    1. Pres


      I should also mention that even though I did not order through Neil, he gave me a lot of advice about what was available in the way of size and what would fit my breaker. He also helped a lot in the test firing and calibration of the kiln, helping this boomer to understand the difference between cone offset and thermocouple offsets.




    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. Ordered a new LL kiln today from  Neil.   He helped me decide  on the model that would work for me in my elderly years.   Great service and price.   Now I have to sell my old kilns and wait.      Denice

    1. Pres


      I purchased the E-28M-3, This will allow me to have 4 plates to a layer, or have pots about 28" tall, or a mix of whatever. I tog it with the Genesis controller, quad elements, and the downdraft vent system with a kiln kit. It really wasn't my decision as much as it was my wifes, as she said the old own is shot, you need a new one, buy the best you can.



    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. Ordered a new LL kiln today from  Neil.   He helped me decide  on the model that would work for me in my elderly years.   Great service and price.   Now I have to sell my old kilns and wait.      Denice

  12. Broke arm in 3 places 1/20, no pottery in foreseeable future

    1. Pres


      best wishes for your recovery, take it easy.




    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. Going to help with the adult class at the HS next 5-6 Saturdays.


    1. Pres


      I taught in this position for 36 yrs, started the adult class. The new teacher 2nd after my retirement, treats me like a king. Great guy, and has kids coming in for the class along with adults. Lots of fun, and the interaction that I miss is marvelous. Teaching can be so rewarding, and often you learn something by teaching others.



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Sue and I celebrate our 50th anniversary today!



    1. Pres


      Went fine dining, dressed as on cruises, suit, and her in a nice dress. Finelli's is an Italian restaurant in the area that is popular for its upscale dining.




    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  15. Thank you to all who reached out about how we are doing from the big earthquake. I only lost 5 cereal bowls at my xmas booth and zero breakage at studio. Our home is fine as we are prepared for quakes and have out styff bolted to wall and our water heater and solar tanks are straped to walls. Yes we had stuff fall but it all made it fine. This was my best earthquake as pottery damage was so light.Our house is bolted to foundation as well so its fine to.


    1. Pres


      Glad to hear that things went well. Shudder to think of the damage some places had to deal with. Best of the season was with you!



    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. Qotw,   what item that you use in your studio came to you free, almost free or as a gift?  

    1. Pres


      Denice, would you post this in the QotW posts here:


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Qotw,   what item that you use in your studio came to you free, almost free or as a gift?  

  18. potentiometer for the CXC Brent arrived today, put it in when I find a few minutes. Flooding did the thing in!

    1. Pres


      Don't really know, Walked into the shop after the snow and ice we had, it was thawing outside. The shop had 4" of ice on the floor covering the foot pedal, the extension socket on the floor, and some of the bisqueware on the floor along with many other items. All thawed out, but the damage to the foot pedal and the extension socket. Easy enough to fix, As to where the water came from 3 possibilities: drain in the floor that leads to an underground river, brick walls that are worn after the last century, and the garage door that does not have a lip, just a rubber seal on the door itself. Who knows!! First time it ever happened in over 20 years.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  19. Shop is a disaster right now. The ice and snow melt outside found a way into the garage, and has frozen into 3" of mess. Shop has never had water in it before, and containers of bisqueware and bisqueware were setting on the floor and now is frozen in place after the heat being on for two days to try and thaw it. Will be vacuuming up water today. Lucky the GFCI was installed 3 years ago, as it did flip,  Extension cord to wheel with circuit box was laying in the ice!

    1. Pres


      Shop electric heat has been on for 3 days, ice melted, and has been vacuumed up. Glaze mixing started yesterday, Glazing this week on clear days. However the forecast looks bleak for much more than base glazing. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. 37 degrees F right now.  i am in FLORIDA!  i come down each winter and this year I WANT A REFUND!

    1. Pres


      I would be glad to change places with you @oldlady. We have 27F. freezing rain, sleet, snow. . . .winter Garbage!


    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  21. 5F. This morning, brutal, with snow/ice expected tonight, up to 12"!

    1. Pres


      Things happen, as we get older we need to make adjustments. We were told getting old were the "Golden Years". nobody mentioned that they were tarnished!

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  22. 5F. This morning, brutal, with snow/ice expected tonight, up to 12"!

    1. Pres


      Yeah, my wife fell while getting into the car. .alone. Laid under the car for 30 minutes before my daughter found her. Broke her hip, could have been worse as it was winter cold, icy, and I would not be home for hours. Didn't have her phone.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  23. 5F. This morning, brutal, with snow/ice expected tonight, up to 12"!

    1. Pres


      Got another 3 inches this afternoon. Will wait til tomorrow morning to clear as it may rain overnight. . .ice.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  24. 5F. This morning, brutal, with snow/ice expected tonight, up to 12"!

    1. Pres


      Drive way cleared, Mazda 3 moved right out through the plowed area as it is awd. power shovel works well for 3-4", and could plow out a decent path 20 yards of the church side walk next door. Temp has risen to 33F. All is good.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  25. 5F. This morning, brutal, with snow/ice expected tonight, up to 12"!

    1. Pres


      I bought a power shovel like a small snowblower. It runs on batteries. I usually scrape several times during a storm to keep things from getting to the shovel stage. However, last night someone plowed out my drive and my side walk. . . NICE! Snow fall is only about 6-8" and it is nearly done.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

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