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Status Replies posted by glazenerd

  1. Ordered technical grade/s of kaolins and one ball clay. Iron content is 0.08 which translates to super white porcelain.

  2. Glaze load turned off this morning at 4:30 am, potter slept in after breakfast til noon! Open bowls tomorrow at JH school. Hard cone6

  3. Looking for temperature rating on used Gallup brick. Any tips much appreciated!

  4. unpacking from three weeks on the road which included wood firing and a sod firing with Lorna Meaden, NCECA in Kansas City, and Taping an e-course in Saltillo , MS. My new used van made it in comfort.

  5. NCECA....maybe 2017, Maybe 2018

  6. I finally found the combination of glazes and schedule that was alluding me for a pot I made a while back that I really liked. I think I will be able to replicate it now on all my work, it still will take some application practices but heres hoping I am finally set on my glazes for a while. Only took 1.5 years of testing glazes to find the combination I wanted....

  7. Picking up 3 stoneware and 4 porcelain clay bodies Tuesday: along with a list of modifiers. It is time to put to use what Ron roy taught me.

  8. Packed up and delivered about 350 pots.

  9. First full day of NCECA with bus tours to galleries.

  10. Mixed bag on the bisque--molds came out well, but stuff with underglazes, not so much. Getting ready to full fire--no pics until/unless I see something worth showing LOL

  11. Closing on my office/warehouse in a couple of more days. The question now becomes: what studio toy should I buy?

  12. Bisquing on Saturday for a Monday glaze day

  13. Expecting orders for more than 400 mugs in the next 5 days... Too much fun!

  14. Still looking for a production potter, had my latest no show for work today... Wondering why so many people love clay, but don't seem to like working with it professionally?

  15. Firing some more test pots tonight, throwing a lot of clay tomorrow, mixing some more glaze that I ran out of and then changing my elements and doing a break in firing. Busy weekend.

  16. Ah, finally. A stay-cation so I can work in the studio...I hope to see the floor again after 3 days of de-crapinating the space :)

  17. Right now several months' glazed work is in the big and small kiln. I need to fire smaller loads, and more frequently!

  18. Thinking about starting private lessons from inside my home. My health is crashing fast, and pottery is getting harder every day, but I have a lot of knowledge to share. :) I think I could take a couple students under my wing.

  19. Working on organic form and process at the moment, altering slabs and making small functional sculptural objects. Making myself happy!!

  20. Firing some new glazes and combinations, designed for a slow cool schedule. Looking for that elusive semi matte with some variation. Pretty excited.

  21. Recieved my first commissioned work today. A large tile mural at City Hall depicting city history. The high school art class and local college art class will be involved. I get to mix in my beloved crystalline pieces as well.

  22. That moment when the cone 10 glaze firing is well underway, you are cleaning up the glazing table, and suddenly there is an out-of-place container of low-fire glaze sitting in front of you...

  23. Having trouble getting to sleep? Ordered a 1000 lbs of clay. Always an incentive to start making.

  24. Home for a month with lots to do! Must make work for the wood extravaganza at UK during the NCECA pre-conference, make pieces for trading with friends, do taxes, and write some articles. whew!

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