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    Los Osos, California

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  1. This year, let's see if I can find the right cycle of work and stay in it. It's all about balance and consistency. Easy. ;)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      I think people make the bullet journals way to complex. It should really be something quick that you spend like 10 minutes a day on. But yea I have no idea. I have never made one. Thinking about trying it this school semester.

    3. GiselleNo5


      Hm. Maybe I should research "SIMPLE bullet journal". :) Since I tend to make things complicated anyway simple is GOOD. Let me know if you try it, Joseph, I'm curious how they work. I definitely could use something to be more organized. Too much going on in my mind at any given moment.

    4. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Yea. I dunno. I am not the type of person that makes journals. I can remember most task I have to do. I was mostly thinking about it for school assignments. We will see if I ever get "around" to it.

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