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About lgusten

  • Birthday September 22

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  • Location
    Bethania, NC
  • Interests
    Slab building, tile, mixed media, antiques, patterns in nature, textiles, music, birds in the backyard (lots of them)

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  1. So excited I can barely contain myself.  Kiln is ordered!!!! Space is ready for it!!!!  Been a long time coming.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Denice


      Interesting idea but my husband and I are old enough that moving a kiln out of a basement is getting too  hard.  Besides my kiln room only hold three kilns and my husband wouldn't give up any of his garage space.     Denice

    3. Roberta12


      What did you order??   You will love it whatever it is! Congrats!


    4. lgusten


      Denice -  That garage space is sacred isn't it.  That's why I am in the basement.  We shall see about getting it into the basement.  I bought the smaller one...less weight...but it is still 200 lbs.  So we will be enlisting more help and taIking it apart to get it downstairs.

      Roberta - Ordered a Olympic Medallion 1823.  It is small but large enough for my work.....When I outgrow it......I envision it being my bisque and test kiln.

      Thank you all for the support!!!!

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