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Rae Reich

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    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Well I only finished 15 bowls, but I got distracted.  A co-workers wife wanted to know if I could make a strawberry planter so I am giving it a shot.  I think I should have used more clay, I used 15lbs but it seems small to me, I'm gonna be throwing the bowls for the side tonight and attaching them and see how it goes.  Might be able to get some of that Microsoft money I've heard so much about around here! Hah
    I will say, I wouldn't have been able to do this on my old wheel, I had to stand up to pull on this one, it was 2 feet tall at one point!  Loving my new wheel

  2. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Welp, I've been on the lookout for a decent deal on a wheel and I found a brand new Skutt prodigy for 650.  Couldn't pass it up.  Got it set up tonight and wow what a difference.  Anyway, threw another 9 bowls, I think I've got it now!  I think I'll have enough for a kiln load by the weekend haha.
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    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Round 1

  4. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Bill Kielb in What’s on your workbench?   
    Annotating pictures? Making videos? You are getting to be quite proficient with this digital stuff!
  5. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Mark C. in What’s on your workbench?   
    Work bench is now empty after packing two kiln loads-packed up my small toyota bed full with pots in boxes and dolly and took a dozed boxes in to two outlets (both consignments)
    Also finished  up packing a Large whole sale order which I droop off in Santa Rosa. on way south to SF to take my wife to her 6 week doctor check up after hip surgery.
    I'm also taking down 1bout 1200 # of scrap metal sorted into 17 different sorts-red brass-yellow brass-100 # lead ingot -400#s of wire -clean to insulated-all sorted well
    dirty brass clean and dirty copper-you get the idea no steel all higher qualities -wire is from 30 years ago working as a sparky.
    Lots of the brass is from shipwrecks over the past decades-all scrap no nice items.
    I did this sort last summer and my electrician friend has yet to take it so I'm making this a multi pot's .metal, doctor run, also bringing back a copper dive helmet and some fish prints.
    Liam said (I mixed up a couple new glazes and sacrificed a few pots to see what they'll look like.)
    test tiles are easier than pots especial for 1st tests
    I lost a good friend about over a year ago and yesterday I finally started to empty his pottery shop. He was my salt kiln partner.
    I am cleaning it out for his widow. mush of whats there came thru me to begin with. I worked on his glazes for many hours and brought home what I can use and we poured the water off the rest to dry them out. I am going to take the whole lot so she can have a two car space back in a ship building.
    I processed a large truck bed full today at my studio.This is a huge job and since he once was doing raku and low fire it complicates the mix. I am going to try to donate all the low fire to a school and will give some clays away as well. I found him the Geil kiln and we will deal with that later-I also brought him a small electric from one of my AZ show trips 10 years ago and he has a 3 zone new skutt electric which  will also sell in the future  year after the shop gets cleared out and some time goes by.All the kilns are in a new connected large kiln room-finished out with painted sheet rock.He fired the gas kiln twice.
    This is familiar as I have bought out 2-3 living potters in my past but this is good friend and much of what I'm moving I have handled before. It sad but I promised when she was ready I would do this for her.
    The clay and glaze and material alone will be 4-5 truck fulls.I will take a month  or more to work thru this.
    My work bench today had all his stuff on it but now its found a new spot in my stuff.
  6. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Today I mixed up a couple new glazes and sacrificed a few pots to see what they'll look like.  Doing a glaze firing now, it should be cool enough to open up and take a look tomorrow night!
    This week I will go back to trying to throw repeat bowls.  I need to step up my bowl game, I'm pretty decent at mugs now. I just need to finish putting handles on all of last week's mugs and then it's bowls bowls bowls.  Gonna force myself to figure out getting them to the gauge every time.
    Oh yeah, and I have to finish editing my latest YouTube video.  Hah.  I don't think people realize how difficult editing video is until they're neck deep in it.  Kudos to any YouTubers out there

  7. Like
    Rae Reich got a reaction from Hulk in Qotw: Participants Question Pool For Future Qotw's   
    Good thing you're a philosopher, Hulk. Can't wait to see those next pots!!
    Drastic/Tragic Learning Experiences - good topic 
  8. Like
    Rae Reich got a reaction from Hulk in Qotw: Participants Question Pool For Future Qotw's   
    Actually, @Mark C.just gave us one with his "quick cooling" story in "temp for opening the kiln?" 
  9. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Callie Beller Diesel in What’s on your workbench?   
    So I know this is my kitchen counter, but the light on my workbench turns most photos very yellow. This medicine set will be my own entry to the mug portion of the “Bonspiel: Canadians and Their Love of Winter Sport” show at NCECA this year. After some adventures I had with my kids and ear infections last month, I feel like avoiding illness is a winter sport!
    If you’re coming this year, check out the show. We’re on the Minneapolis Picks bus tour and shuttle route on Wednesday.

  10. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Did a glaze firing over the weekend, here's some of the doggie bowls and a few of the more interesting mugs.  Loving my new digital controller.

  11. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Ahh, yeah that's the stock yellow sponge, it was also very soft when I attached the handles, gonna clean them both up once they're not quite so floppy.  I will try using a cut up grout sponge, thanks for the tip
  12. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Hulk in Qotw: Participants Question Pool For Future Qotw's   
    Silly* studio details/thing(s) overlooked - how did I not see't?
    ...bought a cheap-ish 2000g digi scale last July, just noticed that it was miscalibrated to display 1/2 grams! Either I never calibrated it, or (more likely) used one of the two 200g weights to calibrate it last July.
    It does what it's told to do.
    For test batches of glaze, it's proportions that count, so no harm there. What jumped out at me this week: at first, thought the cheap-ish 100 ml graduated cylinder I bought was wrong, haha, as 100 ml of water weighs 200g? No matter, weight of glaze/weight of water for same volume yields specific gravity, but why is scale "wrong," hmm?
    The good news bein' all them balls of clay weighed out these last eight months were half the weight me "thought" - hence why my pots so small for the weight of clay concerns evaporated like morning mists ...hrmm, mebbe the foot tall three poun' cylinder club me can join sooner over (much much) later?
    *Silly as in obvious and outcome mostly harmless; that said, should members wish to recount drastic/tragic scenarios, go to it - if any tragedy could be averted, it'd be worth't

  13. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Hulk in Qotw: Participants Question Pool For Future Qotw's   
    ^ good question dh
    Thinkin' 'bout Mark's question raises (for me):
      What type of mentor/mentee (wow, "mentee" actually dictionary word*) experiences have you had in wheel?
    From how long to learn to how.
    Wheel instruction in the two classes I've had consisted of brief demonstrations, then go to it. Students who had questions or were obviously struggling got one on one and/or small group instruction. I'm not complainin' - I'd rather toodle and stumble along than get instruction that don't fit me; that said, perhaps timely and appropriate mentorship may have helped? May help in future?
    Any road, my mentor is a motley of visual (realtime and video), print, stills. In the other direction - I'm no one's mentor in wheel!
    *a manatee learning from another would be a manatee mentee, and same who'd ordered tea would be a manatee mentee who meant tea, and... 
  14. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Pres in QothW: how often do you introduce new forms, and does that change throughout your career   
    Callie Beller Diesel recently posted the following in the QotW pool: how often do you introduce new forms, and does that change throughout your career? 
    How many new designs do you come up with in a year, and what's that work cycle like?
    As a functional potter, of late, I have not come up with a whole lot of new designs. However, as a teacher 10 yrs ago, every month was a new piece, handbuilt or wheel thrown, or as a combination piece. Projects for students were often "tested" out by some sort of piece in the beginning. A theme like "crazy plumbing" or "crooked houses" for something like an extrusion piece would be planned out and assembled by me before ever introducing it to the kids. Then there was the demonstration piece, and when starting a demonstration, I usually would carry that to completion also. So every year there would be as many as 10 or 15 new forms. 
    When working in the studio, I am not as much concerned with new forms as refining or modifying existing forms. An example of this may be Berry bowls that came about as I found myself using a lot of fresh berries for dessert in the Summer, and decided to do a berry bowl with a shallow plate underneath for drainage of the rinse water. That ended up as a Christmas gift that year for some relatives, and then the following year for others. Teapots may be done with tilted galleries one year, and another with regular galleries, one year rounded forms, next wide kettle type forms. None of these are really new forms just morphs from previous thoughts and ideas.
  15. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Denice in QotW:At what point in a potter's career does he/she stop searching for and testing new glazes?   
    Mark that glaze brought back some college memories from the 70's.   I still collect glaze formula's but usually don't get around to testing them.  Once in a while I will need something new so while I am testing a particular glaze I might as well test them all.   Denice
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    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in QotW:At what point in a potter's career does he/she stop searching for and testing new glazes?   
    Had a dream last night that there was some kind of potluck or something and I was eating off of one of your wamo mamo plates.  So weird.
  17. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to allenc27 in Alumina And Wax   
    Thank you guys so much, that's a lots of info. I will try the tap method and get some alumina hydrate for future teapot.
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    Rae Reich reacted to Mark C. in QotW:At what point in a potter's career does he/she stop searching for and testing new glazes?   
    The lips and stripes are temaku over the top
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    Rae Reich reacted to Magnolia Mud Research in Alumina And Wax   
    The wax is just an adhesive to hold the alumina in place.  The wax burns away. 
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    Rae Reich reacted to oldlady in Alumina And Wax   
    hello, allen, and welcome to the forums.   it almost looks as though your question may have been overlooked but it was not.   the original series of posts discussed what to do with the alumina hydrate once you have some but your question seems to be centered on getting some in the first place.  you do not say where in the world you are so we guess in the USA and so our replies are based on an assumption.  sometimes that is wrong.
    liam has told you where to get the alumina hydrate and since that is what you were looking for, his answer should be enough.   but nobody has said where to get the wax.   that is also at ceramic supply houses wherever you might be.    it is a liquid in this case, not some solid wax that needs heating up to liquify. 
    if you need more information on your particular situation, just ask until you have everything you need.
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    Rae Reich reacted to Mark C. in Alumina And Wax   
    If it really stuck after you try all the tapping you may need to move up a step.
    That being hot water on the pot (not the lid) so pot expands and lid does not-try this in sink with really hot water running while holding kid-plan for the pot to pot off so get some water or padding under it.
    If this does not work I can tell you about plan C which can work if the 1st 2 do not.
  22. Like
    Rae Reich got a reaction from S. Dean in Alumina And Wax   
    Sit, and hold the pot over your lap. Tap evenly around the pot near to the lid. Do not tap on the thinnest parts of the pot. If you're not successful, leave the pot for a few days and try again. Sometimes pouring hot water over it can help. Sometimes it lets go itself after a few years....
  23. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Babs in Alumina And Wax   
    Often if you hold the lid and give pot body a sharp rap with wooden dowel the pot will drop open.
    Just dont do this over a cement floor.....
    Lids thought to be stuck often part from pot and a little sand/grind will smooth any rough spots , just saying
  24. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Mark C. in QotW:At what point in a potter's career does he/she stop searching for and testing new glazes?   
    Whamo Mamo Matt
    Kingman feldspar- 49
    china clay-21
    One of my many glaze projects in school was doing a line blend on this glaze to see where it could be made cheaper and maintain color and surface
    My new improved glaze was Wham Mamo II-
    same formula but
    tin is 4 and zircopax is 4 to tall that 8
    This is my favorite glad from the 70s
    I fired it on a buff to dark stoneware body in solid reduction to soft cone 10s
    This glaze is super tough and lasts a lifetime in use. 
    I also did all my own bathroom shower wrap around and tiled window and sink and sink top and backsplash in 1982 -still looking sharp today.
    we eat off all sizes of plates made with this glaze as well.
    I sold a set of dinnerware to my mentor long ago and added to it for his son who inherited it later in life.I made several sets back then and that are all going strong now. I got my mothers set back after my sister was done with it. I gave part of that to my mentors son as I cannot get this effect anymore while firing my porcelain loads.
  25. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Chilly in QotW:At what point in a potter's career does he/she stop searching for and testing new glazes?   
    That's a bit like asking at what point in a life do you stop breathing? 
    I'm doing less pottery and more glass, spinning, weaving, sewing, especially during the winter, but in all my hobbies there is always a "ooh, wonder what will happen if I........"
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