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Status Updates posted by Chilly

  1. Thanks to the mods for dealing with all that spam.

  2. Now it's cool enough to work in the studio (greenhouse).  I can't get to the clay as it's hiding behind garden trellis/obelisks/mini greenhouse that is drying out, waiting for painting/water repellent stuff.  I'll be back soon clay, promise.

    1. JohnnyK


      I love this time of the year...Daylight Savings Time goes away. It gets dark early. It cools significantly and I can't spend as much time outdoors with the farm and the garden soooo...more time in the STUDIO,,,yaaay!

  3. Kiln is on last segment, down-firing following a glass tack-fusing test fire.

  4. Lovely feedback received from a recipient of one of my snowflake mobiles.  Happy potter.

    1. dhPotter


      woo hoo - way to go Chilly

    2. JohnnyK


      It's always great to get positive feedback from the recipients of your work, Chilly! Just had that same experience with my latest bud vases...Way to go, girl!

    3. glazenerd


      Satisfying feeling to know your hard work is appreciated.

  5. "Unread content" doesn't seem to be working as it used to.

  6. Moved to the dark side.  Booked a a traditional (glass) leading class, and 10 weeks of studio-time".

    Till working with clay tho'  

    1. LeeU


      Nah---no dark side to it....just a way to have fun, learn, create, and probably cross fertilize!  

  7. How did your further testing go?

    My father passed two weeks ago, and I want to use his ashes in trinket trays for the family.  Will also use them in some fused glass work.

    1. Denice


      I am so sorry for your loss,  make sure you take the time to recover.  I hope you get the information you need to complete your trays for your family.   Denice

    2. glazenerd


      Sorry to hear about your loss.

    3. oldlady


      so sorry to hear the bad news.  hope you are able to make something to remind you of him.  thinking of you.

  8. Oh dear, attended a glass fusing course and now I'm being drawn away from clay.  So tempting.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LeeU


      What he said! 

    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      rabbit hole -be careful 

    4. Denice


      I have done glass fusing in the past, it was interesting and fun.  Kind of like a kid with a new toy,  but the thrill wore off quickly.  I still needed to get my hands in clay.   Denice

  9. It's wet and cold, so sitting here preparing notes for running a "Slip-Casting and Mould-Making" session at next year's Potters' Camp.

    1. glazenerd


      I am pretty much off until after Jan. 1. So now to finally clean my pig studio, and prep for new testing.

    2. Celia UK

      Celia UK

      Getting my name on the list already Ann!!

  10. Some interesting stuff at Blists Hill and Coalport museums in Ironbridge, Shropshire, England.  The first "thermometer", seger cones, bottle kilns

    1. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      very interesting. Thanks for posting the pictures,


  11. Wow, three days ago, I had the "most-liked-content" on here!

  12. Hello new-look forum.  Feel like a newbie!

  13. Potter's Camp photos uploaded to gallery. Seems like all the portrait format are upside down.

  14. Off to Potter's Camp first thing in the morning :-). Out of contact till next Monday.

  15. Wondering where Evelyne Schoenmann and Guinea have gone

    1. Pres


      Evelyne is busy with a conference coming up, and other things that are filling her time up. She does check in at times

    2. claygram


      I also think often of guinea and wonder how she is --such a wonderful artist with such a beautiful spirit

    3. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Hi my friends. Thanks Chilly for asking and thank you Pres for standing in for me. I am crazy busy, but I will come here more often, now that I am in Switzerland again after a long time in Asia and then Italy. Love you all!


  16. Pots are ready to take to Potter's Camp. Phew.

    1. glazenerd


      Posting comments about pottery camps requires you post pictures of the event-- forum rules. Okay, so I made that up- pics please.

    2. Chilly


      Bisqued pots are in my gallery. Camp starts on 2 August, so no photos yet.


  17. First firing of porcelain is cooling down. Won't get opened until tomorrow late afternoon. Can't wait........

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Roberta12
    3. Chilly


      Yes, photos tomorrow,

      All seemed OK. :-)

    4. Chilly


      Photos in gallery, and in "Can't throw, can extrude" thread.


  18. My poor back. Cut, slam wedged 25kg of porcelain. One bag too hard, the other too soft.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pres


      That can be tough, but for me after the cut and slam, wedge with cone or ramshead to restretch contracted spine.

    3. karenkstudio


      If the hard bag is not completely dry, cut it in a few chunks and wrap each in a

      very damp hand towel for a day or two.

    4. Min


      you sound like Goldilocks, hope your next bag is just right : )

  19. Winter has returned! Farewell spring!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. terrim8
    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Well I was wrong, spring isn't here. Summer is here. It's pretty darn hot.

  20. Threw two whole pots today, then destroyed one.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      I destroy about 95% of what I make. I have a whole shelving unit full of stuff I am going to hammer and trash next week. Keeps me on my toes!

    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Do you throw away because it isn't good or because your not satisfied with it?

  21. Can't get into the studio. Fresh paving laid between house and greenhouse door. Not allowed to walk on it yet. Which book do I want to re-read?

    1. Marko


      Forget the book. Go press your hand in the cement, write initials, dates. LOL

    2. glazenerd


      Of Mice and Men- John Steinbech. back.. something like that. Not read it in 40 years, but still remember it well.

    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      "Thank you for arguing." That is one of my most recommended books to almost anyone who asks me about a book to read.

  22. Hurrah, the forum is back

  23. Discharged from fracture clinic. Now I can start getting back to a normal life. Physio says it could take another 8 months before shoulder returns to "normal". I'm cool with that.

    1. vinks


      Wishing Good health!

    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Not bad. Time zooms by. You will get there. Glad you got some good results!

  24. Discharged from fracture clinic. Now I can start getting back to a normal life. Physio says it could take another 8 months before shoulder returns to "normal". I'm cool with that.

  25. Kiln is cooling.

    1. Marko
    2. glazenerd


      cool quicker- I wanna peak!!!

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