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Marcia Selsor

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  • Location
    Red Lodge, Montana
  • Interests
    Besides chemistry, history, techniques, clay bodies, kilns and firings, ceramics collections and museums, I am interested in Civic engagement, gardening , bird watching, Montana outdoors, historical places, education.

    my website includes many "how-to" pages for making quick terra terra sig, to building raku kilns. http://www.marciaselsorstudio.com

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  1. Concrete slab getting poured on Monday. Walls will follow shortly. This will be my new kiln shed for year-round firing ability ...as long as I can shovel my way out there!


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Denice


      A  cover should do the job,  how is the smoke in Red Lodge? 

    3. Pres


      Happy to hear that you are getting things ready for the long Winter. Should make life easier, and more productive.

    4. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      we have haze from the California fires. As for my firing creating smoke, there isn't any from saggar firing , foil saggar firing, nor Obvara- just steam from Obvara. From raku, the smoke is less than starting charcoal with newspaper in a metal cylinder.



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