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Status Updates posted by JohnnyK

  1. Hi All y’All…Just wanted to let you know that I’m going in for hand surgery in a couple of hours to fix a trigger finger and maybe another potential problem call Dupuytrens Contracture…I’m expecting all to go well, but may not be at the keyboard for a couple of days and the clay for about a month...we’ll see…

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. JohnnyK


      All went well with the surgery now that all my fingers have gotten normal sensation. Up until about 10PM last night I was concerned because the ring finger was still numb and I thought there might have been some nerve damage, but sensation started to return before I went to bed. This morning, everything is about as normal as can be expected after a surgery. It will be about a month before I can resume normal everyday activities.



    3. liambesaw


      That's great news!  

    4. Pres


      Usual after surgery, good to hear things are going well,



  2. 83490173_Yardartmosaic.jpg.6f85350235ef7e9e09f308172bfb495c.jpg

    Going to install a neat mosaic in my brick patio this weekend. Pix to follow...

    Here's the installed mosaic...37" diameter.

    1. Denice


      Your colors are bright and cheerful yet tie in nicely with the surrounding bricks.  Great job.     Denice

  3. "Happy Cat Pottery" is the new name for my fledgling pottery business...

    1. oldlady


      are you going to ask for a cat drawing to use as a logo?    that might be fun, even if the suggestions are ridiculous and you never use one of them.   i can see an oblivious cat slinking along with paw prints behind her in freshly made plates.

    2. JohnnyK


      Interesting thought, but I do have a happy cat with a smiley face on the first rendering of the business card...1296151250_CerBizCard5sm.jpg.5522119970a12f8bfaab86bd06e6b4b0.jpg

  4. Hey Mark,

    You said recently that you are going to be at the upcoming event in Davis this weekend. Where are you gong to be set up and how many days are you going to be there? If I can break away, I would like to come by and meet you...


    1. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      My booth number is N7 on the north side of UC  Davis quad.Show is this Friday-Saturdaty and Sunday-Sunday am is the sleepiest  time. Booth is Liscom Hill Pottery_I'm doing the show solo.

      The show starts at noon Friday and runs until 4 pm on Sunday -closes at 6 pm Friday and Saturday .

      You will need to walk in to campus. 

      Been doing this show since the middle 90s

      Only have a few left in me. Looks like this will be warm weekend.



    2. Min


      If you just look for the long line of people queuing up to pay you'll find Mark.

  5. What's the title of the piece?

    1. Callie Beller Diesel

      Callie Beller Diesel

      I went with the clever moniker of "Photo tutorial for the forum."

  6. 25 bowls in...25 bowls out without any cracked pieces...great! Next is firing of test tiles to come up with a couple of glaze combinations for application to the new bowls. Potters Choice layering is what I'll be using...

    1. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Always nice when things go well.

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      that's true! glad your firing went well. 


  7. 92 degrees in the studio yesterday evening (no A/C), 112F outside as we battle triple digit heat for the next week in Northern CA. Managed to use a piece of 5" crown molding for an interesting  pot profile...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.



    3. JohnnyK


      Great for some, not for others. I have to keep the mugs under cover...otherwise they dry too fast for the handle installation.

    4. Denice


      I was taking a summer throwing class,   the classroom was under old cement stadium seating.   Our professor had us throwing bowls and setting them on the steps,  they would be dry enough to trim before class was over.   Denice

  8. A great auction! KVIE sold the trio of pots for $350...way more than the retail of $120!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LeeU
    3. oldlady


      wonderful!   (do you know that this forum says you do not accept personal messages?  if that is your choice, i respect that but i wonder if you know about it)

    4. JohnnyK


      I did not know that...how do I change that? Thanks !

  9. A milestone for me today as I threw my first 5 pound pot and it didn't collapse on me. It will be a horsehair Raku pot purchased by my wife's uncle as a gift for his son and daughter-in-law who are horse people...

    1. Denice


      Congratulations,  upwards and on-wards.   Denice

    2. dhPotter


      Go Ahead On JohnnyK

  10. A pile of pots is in the kiln for a bisque firing...managed to fill the kiln to within 1" of the top...half of it belongs to a couple of friends. Will open in the AM

    1. Benzine
    2. glazenerd


      Have been enjoying your most recent works. Visually appealing.

  11. After a too-long hiatus from throwing, I'm back in the studio and found something very interesting...I've noticed that I'm throwing with a lot less water than in the past. I've also decided that I'll be using my reclaimed clay for squirting  extrusions since it seems a more acceptable use of the reclaim than throwing...at least for me.

    1. Denice


      I also use my reclaim clay for extrusions and hand building,  my throwing clay is also good for hand building.   One of my college professors showed us how he threw with very little water.   Everyone in the class loved throwing that way,  you and the wheel were easy to clean up.   The pot on the wheel was tighter  and easier to move than a sloppy wet pot.  Denice

  12. Another successful bisque firing of about 20 yunomi, bowls, and vases...now on to the glazing of a $300 order...

  13. Another successful PBS art auction this year with another 3 horsehair Raku pots selling for over $300...

    1. oldlady


      good for you!!   isn't it satisfying to have someone REALLY like your work?

    2. JohnnyK


      What's really nice is when I get commissions as a result of these displays...1485711716_AnotherHorsehairRakuTrio1sm.jpg.e275e69ca5725a4f274ef0fce634ef31.jpg

    3. oldlady


      they are gorgeous!   love the feathers.

  14. Been doing all my previous glaze firings with Potters Choice at ^6. Just made a bunch of test tiles and will be running tests with my usual layered PC glaze combos at ^5 just to see how they turn out. Main reason for this is that I've got a bunch of black clay pots that have to be fired at ^5 and I don't want any surprised with the glaze combos...

  15. Big weekend coming up as my trio of Horsehair Raku jars goes on the auction block at the local PBS KVIE station's annual Art Auction. At the preview Gala on Monday it already had an early bid of $150 against an asking price of $120. My segment of the auction will air in the 1PM hour on Saturday...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gabby


      When my work is good enough, I hope to contribute it to auctions, not at the level of a PBS station but more of a local non-profit.  I am so glad when I hear that people whose work can really make a difference choose to donate it in this way.

    3. Benzine


      Wait, if it's made out of horse hair, wouldn't that be considered weaving?!...  I kid.

      Great work, for a great cause.

    4. yappystudent


      Citrus Heights is one of my old home towns, nice to see a CAD person doing the neighborhood some good. I lived in one of the apt blocks on the east side of sunrise mall when Alexander Calder stabiles and sunlight sculptures were still part of the mall's architecture, before it's makeover anyway, many hours spent at the movies and hanging out.  

  16. Daylight savings time is going away this weekend which means less time in the yard and on the farm and more time in the studio,,,YAAYYY!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Benzine


      I like having light, when I wake up in the morning, and get ready for work.  But I DO NOT like it, when the sun, seemingly, goes down at 4 in the afternoon!...

    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      It ends my drying time outside as the sun has lost its power to dry my pots outside . That means I have the heater going in studio and its hot in there and you learn to work in the heat.T -shirt weather always until x-mas production is done.Shop was over 80 yesterday to dry pots before todays bisque load.


    4. Benzine


      Mark, how long does it, to dry pots, this time of year, in your toasty studio?

  17. Farming season is over...I get to spend more time in the studio!

    1. Denice


      Thanks for reminding me I just got home from vacations and need to check my tomatoes.   Denice

  18. Finally playing in the mud today with no adverse side effects...hands felt good on the clay...centering seemed easier:)

    1. oldlady


      good news!  

      just do not overdo it.

    2. dhPotter


      Very Good JohnnyK.

    3. Min
  19. Finished the tri-tube bud vases and will be gifting them this week...


    1. JohnnyK


      Gave on to a potter friend and she thinks I ought to sell them...Hmmm...

  20. For the third year in a row, my "Three's a Charm" set of Horsehair Raku pots has been accepted by KVIE, Sacramento's local PBS TV station for their annual Fall Art Auction!

    1. liambesaw


      Should rename it to third time's the charm :D

    2. Pres


      Good news Johnny, Congrats!


  21. Getting ready to open the vegetable stand in a couple of weeks...the farm is producing well. Just waiting for the tomatoes to ripen. it's a good opportunity to sell my pottery, too!

    1. Denice


      Wished I lived close by so I could shop at your stand.  I swear a lot of the stands around here buy their tomatoes from the grocery store and doubles the price.  They don't look like homegrown tomatoes or taste like home grown ones.   Potter. 

    2. yappystudent


      I used to live in Citrus Heights, in the second apartment complex behind Sunrise Mall! I miss central valley produce but not the summer temps. 

  22. Going through a "black" phase where the next glaze firing will contain all pots with Amaco's  C-1 Obsidian as the base glaze with a number of different colors layered over it...Results to follow...

  23. Going to have the 2 trigger fingers on my left hand repaired in two weeks. I'll try to get some pots thrown before since I'll be away from the wheel for a few weeks after the surgery...

    1. Denice


      I had my middle  trigger finger on my right hand and carpal tunnel release 4 weeks ago.  Both incisions are still healing,  my trigger finger is still very painful and hasn't straightened yet.  The therapist said it was too early for that,  I go back in two weeks to check it.  I do my therapy exercises three times a day, yesterday was the first day I didn't have to ice it for swelling.  I am still on lifting restrictions my hand doctor says I should be able to do anything I want by the middle of January.  I was suppose to have it done last spring but I had to many other sick relatives to help.  It will be nice to be able to open a jar,  cut my own steak and not drop half of the things I pick up.    I hope your doctor is as good as my doctor thinks he is.    Denice

    2. JohnnyK


      Actually, my surgeon has repaired both my thumbs which had bone to bone contact at the base of each thumb due to arthritis. Those repairs totally recovered in about 6 months each, and he took care of my trigger ring finger last year with total recovery in less than a month, so I'm not anticipating any problems with the upcoming surgery and should be back at the wheel by mid-February. It could be sooner, but I've tried the latex glove route before and it didn't work for me. There's just something about the wet clay on bare skin...:)

    3. oldlady


      hope all will be well again this time.  do not forget to get to the public library to stock up on thrillers before the big slow down.

      potato chip bag clips hold open the pages so your hand can rest.

  24. Got an order for 10 medium bowls for Christmas gifts...when asked about color, the customer said "Just work your glaze magic!", sooo...pix in about a week or so.

    1. Benzine


      Apparently word of your "Glaze Magic" has spread far and wide...

    2. shawnhar


      Congrats on the order, and the magic!

  25. Got half the farm planted...hope to the rest planted by the end of this week with the cooler weather...then more time in the studio!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Min


      That must be very satisfying. Good on you donating too!

    3. Joseph Fireborn
    4. JohnnyK


      Well, the entire crop is in and now comes the hardest part...waiting for it all to grow and start to produce. Harvested the first of what, I'm sure, will be hundreds of squash :)

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