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  • Location
    : Citrus Heights, CA
  • Interests
    Ceramics, glazing techniques, farming, photography, drone piloting. reading all kinds of stuff but primarily thrillers

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  1. Big weekend coming up as my trio of Horsehair Raku jars goes on the auction block at the local PBS KVIE station's annual Art Auction. At the preview Gala on Monday it already had an early bid of $150 against an asking price of $120. My segment of the auction will air in the 1PM hour on Saturday...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gabby


      When my work is good enough, I hope to contribute it to auctions, not at the level of a PBS station but more of a local non-profit.  I am so glad when I hear that people whose work can really make a difference choose to donate it in this way.

    3. Benzine


      Wait, if it's made out of horse hair, wouldn't that be considered weaving?!...  I kid.

      Great work, for a great cause.

    4. yappystudent


      Citrus Heights is one of my old home towns, nice to see a CAD person doing the neighborhood some good. I lived in one of the apt blocks on the east side of sunrise mall when Alexander Calder stabiles and sunlight sculptures were still part of the mall's architecture, before it's makeover anyway, many hours spent at the movies and hanging out.  

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