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Clay Coming Off Center

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So I got an artista wheel, and have been using it outside on top buckets, or a table. My whole yard is dirt, so nothing is level. I've been having problems centering, but my husband has seem to have gotten it down. Either way, once either of us tries to pull they clay up, it seems to come off center and starts to wobble. I was just wondering if anyone knew weather or not this could be caused by the wheel not being level?  I know we're both new to getting back into throwing, so Im not sure if its just technique, and we both need more practice (which im sure it part of it) or how much the way the wheel is set up is effecting it.  Thanks for the input :)

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The quick solution is to drop a level on it. Being off-level won't hurt until you push the clay into a situation where gravity is going to do some real work on the form. The clay won't come off center by itself so anything that moves it off center is done by the operator.


On the note of table-top wheels, I could see them being difficult to learn on. With a full size wheel, it's pretty easy to ensure you have decent bio-mechanics, whereas the table-tops can get a little tricky in terms of positioning... Just keep practicing and give a shot at re-positioning to optimize the moves you make...

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I know, personally, when I'm pulling up a wall any little wobble can throw a kink into my centering. So if a bat shifts, or a wheel shifts, it can be a problem.


I guess my concern with a table-top wheel would be this kind of stability less than it being level. I can adjust my body to being off-level, but if vibrations or a jostle mess me up in those first critical pulls, it's done.

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I'll have to get out the little level next time. It worked much better when we moved it to the table, even tho it was a cheap plastic one. Im stil struggling with getting it centered well, but after its centered it does fine until you try to pull it up past 4-5 inches. We were able to pull a few little bowls tho. I'll have to play with it more and see what happens.

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Level the wheel with a Bullseye level. I have a little artist a for hauling around to demos.They are. Great wheel. All wheels need to be level for the best results. Slow down as you get more into the pot. Centering is done at a faster speed. pulling up and refining should be done slower and slower.


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Level is good. Very good idea


But you can work on wonky wheel


Center the clay to the clay


Not in reference to wheel head


There is a video of japanese potter throwing in off center wobbly wheel


sometimes when you watch people throw off the hump it's only the top most portion of clay that is centered

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