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If You Had An Unlimited Supply Of Albany Slip, What Would You Do?

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I am newish to the forum (although was staying away for some time because every time I tried to use the site my computer blocked intrusions) and getting back into clay after about seven years off for raising kids/recovering from advanced Lyme disease.  As I am youngish,  I was not around when Albany slip was readily available. It fascinated me even before I lived in Albany.  Before stopping potting, I experimented coating some items with Albany slip substitute in a wood kiln and got some neat results although now I am limited to an electric kiln. I live in the city of Albany with a nice double-lot of hard to garden clay, which I am assuming is likely similar in profile to Albany slip (I live about a half mile away from the mine).  I of course plan on experimenting with it but don't know much other than that it fluxes a lot and has a lot of iron content.  I have a lot to learn in general in the glazing aspect of pottery.  My impression is that Albany slip is somewhat versatile, so what would you do with it?


My husband had the idea of getting clay from different areas around Albany and comparing it as we do have friends on the streets surrounding the old mine.


If this topic is boring and not fun, feel free to let it die....my last topic got voted 1 star which I thought was hilarious as I was just trying to make sure I wasn't going to melt my garage floor.

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I have a life-time supply of river clay from the Red River which was part of the "flood of the century"in 1997.We shovelled bucket after bucket of Albany slip looking clay from the steps of our parliament buildings.

The woman who helped me without complaint I eventually married. She had other fine qualities, but she knew how to handle a shovel.

I have at least 5, 5 gallon pails of slip clay. Unfortunately, people don't buy black pots here, or even brown pots.


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If this topic is boring and not fun, feel free to let it die....my last topic got voted 1 star which I thought was hilarious as I was just trying to make sure I wasn't going to melt my garage floor.

What is boring to some is music to others.


What a cool concept... digging clay in your own back yard. I hope you can come up with some good stuff.


There is a clay bank in an arroyo near me that I have been looking at for years. By golly I think I will join you and go dig some up and test it!

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I'm sure I will be limited by my kiln--I don't plan on going past cone 6.  BigLou, if you send me the $$ I will paypal you a small priority box of it.  I can't guarantee the purity--I dug up some that appears to be unadulterated while my kids were playing (that is the tough part, as you know people have been digging in the yard for 90 years) .  Sometimes while I am gardening I make little pinch pots and leave them to dry on the fence.  It would be cool to see what it would do in a wood kiln just by itself.


Actually, I am editing this.  I am curious and if you really intend on tinkering with it no $$ needed and I will just send it.  PM me your address :)

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