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What’s on your workbench?

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Min posted the following in the question pool not long ago: It’s always interesting to see what people are working on, a one off pot, a series, pulling handles, working out a new design, glazing, glaze testing.… just a snippet from your day of something in progress.

My question would be what’s on your workbench? (pictures would be a welcome bonus!)


Hmmmm! I will disappoint Min in my answer, as right now there is very little on my workbench except for the vice and tools that hang on the back wall of it the workbench. Then there are some of the most recent tools I had been using. However, for me this is a poor time of year since I need to get into the shop, but it is still pretty frozen. Now the workbench is important, as I often will use it to hold one end of some wire, to help bend tools with a ball peen hammer, or to hold some small tool for sawing or work with a dremel where holding it by hand would be dangerous. I have enough trouble with my hands without messing them up more.

As far as making, an object on a bench, very little of that gets done lately as most of my making and assembling is done on the wheel form throwing pieces, to trimming them, and then assembly. The only things that are on a work area are slabs for wheel thrown bottoms and tops after a 4-6 sided object is assembled. These usually take about a week of assembly, as sometimes the proportions sketched or modeled out do not look right when put together . So another piece is thrown to match up.

Examples of these can be found on my blog site.





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What's on my workbench?

Clutter.  It's far too cold and damp to be out there this time of year.

My shelf at the centre, however, has rolled clay waiting to be turned into Herb Labels, there is an Owl drop mould sitting upside down, waiting to be fettled and put into the kiln, and there are mugs and spatula rests waiting for a ^6 firing.

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making a combination of things.  big pieces with leaves and birds and small, about 3 inches across lace impressed bowl shaped "containers".  the small items will sell if i can get a nice glaze in several colors.  the bigger ones also sell, depending on the venue.  but the small stuff is my version of mark's sponge holder bread and butter item.  not that they hold sponges, just that they sell quickly and bring in cash.



017.JPGgot to make some glazes!

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Good question for a Monday morning!

I have a kiln load of bisque that needs washing and waxing. I’ve got samples for a mug re-design for an existing client and a big pile of test tiles in the bin to go along with that, I have 18 mugs for a new client, and serving bowls, sugar jars and more mugs for upcoming spring shows. And I have weekly scheduling, and homework for an online business course on the go. 


Yes, this is my kitchen. Washing and waxing bisque is the only job I really do outside of my studio this time of year. It’s still too cold to take it outside yet. 



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karen, wonderful stuff!  whatever that original thingy is it is just right for doing a wall piece.  when it is finished, maybe take it to the local harley davidson dealer to put in the showroom!

what is the surface the clay is drying on?  looks interesting, concrete???

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Winter tea bowls in red clay, part of a series I call "Wild Heart." They will all have a red accent somewhere on the bowl.

 I have hand-built some using a simple template that gives them a squared shape at the base above the foot ring, and I threw a couple this morning.

But it is too cold, really, to go very long at all. Today I threw wearing a thermal shirt, thermal pants, and a down vest.


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"bench" is buried.  kiln is bisque firing and i cannot use the space until it is opened and i restore the space.  i only bisque during the winter when i am a thousand miles from my glaze kitchen and big kiln.  that allows me to get the pieces home.

wires and firing 023.JPG

wires and firing 022.JPG

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  • 4 weeks later...

today i had things on my workbench i would be happy to let anyone see.  hope they all make it through the next steps to finished product.

i would be happy if i could capture in the final firing that soft color of the slip.  who knows how it will look when it is finished?

later florida work 016.JPG

later florida work 017.JPG

later florida work 025.JPG

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I just put a nice size coiled pot in my drying cabinet which is now full.   My work table needs to be cleaned  covered with clay dust and crumblies,  my other work table is covered with glazed pots I unloaded from a firing recently.   Mark C found a Brent C wheel on E Bay for me to buy so now I need to sell it my kick wheel locally.  I hope I can find someone who will love it as much as I do,  I can't kick it up anymore  to the speed it needs to be.      Denice

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